Wednesday 14 December 2011

Greatness of Steve Jobs questioned (Look who is talking)!!


A Statuary warning: This article might contain offensive language about Neeraj Thakur and it is meant to be so, but he needs to understand that I'm presenting my views about his thoughts about Mr. Jobs. Evidently, I don't know who you are and honestly I don't care, but here's a simple lesson for you to get your facts and definitions right.

 What you've portrayed through one shit of an article is that if one guy doesn't get something, no one should.
Grow up dude, that's life!!  A salute to Mr. Jonas Edward Salk and respect for what he did in medicine. Polio drops have saved lives and that's a social cause. The man who invented it was generous enough to not to patent it to his name. But wake up Mr. Dumbo if some company is making it, this generous gesture of Mr. Salk has increased their profits and just so you know, polio is for free because of govt. subsidies not that Mr. Salk is producing it for free. Lets come to the comparison of Mr.. Jobs with this. First thing he did not produce iPhone, iPad, or any other apple product for a social cause. He runs a company that produces the finest quality products available in the market, and no govt. would provide a subsidy for that. Now talking of the patent thing, don't get iPad- the name patented and guess how many law suits you have to file in China.

Greatness is measured by what you do in your field. An engineer will not be judged on how good food he makes, similarly Jobs will not be judged on what social issues he considered. He was a great entrepreneur and so he would be judged. You talking about what he did to eradicate poverty??
Come out of your idealistic world. The man was the CEO, Co-founder and Founder of 3 most successful companies in his life span and worked hard to make them the best even when he was suffering from such a disease. You say he removed philanthropy because company was not earning profits. Tell me something smart guy would you give your money to charity when you are not even able to clear your own dues.

You have confined the man's intelligence in one line, and I quote "He just re-packaged products and technology that were already available with companies like Blackberry, Windows etc.". Well let me tell you none of the above companies invented a digital camera that is fitted in all the smartphone today. First Blackberry vs. Apple: Blackberry still uses the java platform for OS, and although I do like blackberry too, the difference between the two is huge. But how would you know you don't an Apple product and from your statements I can see you've not bothered to look at one too.
Windows vs. MacOS: Do I even need to write anything about this. The only reason people buy windows is because they don't want to spend too much for their computers.
So do clear your facts the next time you talk about a tech. product, or just try and have a look at them before you "Repackage" and post your thoughts.

And the last thing that annoyed me is the use of the line "so-called great products". Coming from a person who has never used an Apple product its a bit idiotic statement.I'd say you don't know what you are talking about or whom here. So, you should rather not speak!!

I'd like to end this by saying that when you write about something please at least first have a little knowledge about it!!

Click here to start your lessons Neeraj!!
Note: If anybody knows this guy please help me send this message to him. Re-post on your walls!!

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