Wednesday 28 September 2011

Feel the touch!!

Touch screen is the best User-Input method for any device. Currently Every kind of gadget uses a touchscreen, from cell-phones to laptops. Today when you go to the market, you are offered 2 types of touchscreens
The biggest mystery for a non-geek wanting to buy a phone!!

Resistive touchscreens are considered inferior as, first thing they are cheaper as well as when you use it, it feels that it tends to miss your touch input. But actually you have to press it a little harder to make it work. And thats why we like capacitive touch screens more. The basic mechanism of the working of a resistive touch screen is that it uses two conductive layers with a very small gap between them. They upper layer is coated on the inside and the lower layer is coated on the upper side with a conductive material. Now we need to press the upper layer to cover this gap. There is a current flowing in the layer that is disturbed by the joining of the layers. This is how the touch is detected in a resistive touch screen. The scope of resistive touchscreens is huge in Industries, restaurants etc. For the reason that it is spill proof and you can use it with gloves as is the case in many industries.

Capacitive touchscreens are all the more expensive. But why we agree to spill more moola from our pockets is that it feels a lot better, coz you dont have to push down an elastic layer down the gap. It is more responsive!!
A capacitive touchscreen works on the principle that human body is a conductor. An insulator like a glass is coated with a conductive material on one or both sides forming a capacitor. Now when we touch on one side of this screen(capacitor) the value of capacitance changes and thus the touch is detected. But it cannot be used with gloves and also require a special stylys.

Another big technology advancement that happened was the multi-touch (or the mutual capacitance). It uses a grid of capacitors that can detect multiple touch on the same screen. Its like many small screens are joined together that can function individually. This with corresponding software developments have enabled us to detect gestures, for example the most common pinch gesture to zoom in or out. Now with more advancements we can also detect changes in pressure with which we press the screen.

You might have guessed that the whole capacitive phenomena completely resembles the touchscreen of an iphone or ipad. Yes, Apple has the most developed touchscreen with the desired software helping to enhance the experience further!!
So enjoy


Monday 26 September 2011

Download: You tube videos as mp3

Every time you watch a video song on YouTube that your friend posted on your wall and you like it, you rush to beemp3, or any other free music downloading site to get the song. But many a times these are not available as they are new. Songs come on YouTube before the actual music launch, so this would be an easy method to get your fav. song.

So how do you get it??

The traditional method is to download the video, then convert it into an mp3 format file using your Audio/Video converter software. But that is lengthy because first you download the video then download the software (one time) and then wait for it to convert. Plus downloading videos from YouTube is all together another issue and also videos take up more space than a normal mp3 file. So you will have to download a 20MB video when you need just a 3MB audio file. Also on portable devices like cell phones, iPods etc. this is not possible.

 What to do then??

The best way out is to use online AV conversion sites that convert videos into audio files and provide you with a 3MB download link. For e.g.,
This gives you a easy way to get your favorite songs right away in mp3 format.

What you have to do??

1. Just go to the YouTube link of the video you want to convert to mp3
2. Copy the text from the address bar
3. Paste it in the text box of the provided website, and click on convert

4. After processing for a few seconds you will get a download link to your mp3

Links to Websites:

Now try this method to get one of your favorite song!!

Sunday 25 September 2011

Ping-Pong of Social Networks!!

A little glimpse of History
The idea of social networking has been there since the birth of internet (1980's). But it did not pick up soon enough as by then only boring govt. officials and some geek researchers had access to internet. With several attempts at social networking websites, it was not until 2002 that one of them became a hit. "Friendster" though started as a gaming and music website turned out to be a stepping stone for the future ventures. "Friendster" followed by "my space" in 2003 and "orkut". "my space" (like "Friendster") concentrated more on sharing music, movies, etc. with friends .

Orkut Serves
How can there be a web development and Google sits quietly and watches. So it recruits some geek heads and makes a new one for themselves. "Orkut" was all about you. It was much more personal. Launched in Jan 2004 "orkut" like all other Google ventures developed a huge user base in very little time.
Facebook’s First blow!!
But soon after “facebook” was opened to the world on September 26 2006, this huge user-base rushed out of “orkut” in very little time. It is very rare that Google ever takes a strong blow in the face; this was one of those rare times. Remember the times you were told not to do a thing, but your urge to do it increased. “Facebook” used the same strategy. It was restricted to only some colleges in the US until it opened to the world, which made it all the more exclusive. It was a clean, classy and no non-sense type website, which had all the plus points of its predecessors. It was as user-friendly as Google, easy to share music, games, and pictures etc. but in a new style. “Facebook” developed very fast, coming up with well developed privacy setting and building a strong user-base.
Google’s Come Back……
Google would never be taken down so easily that to by a College drop out. In the time when “facebook” was making and learning from mistakes, Google was planning to come back with a bang. Seemed easy as “facebook” took everything from a well established “orkut”. It was debated that “facebook” was a hit just because it provided the same thing in a new look. By then “facebook” had stepped up its security, a separate department for photos, videos, user made games, polls and a hell lot more came up. Google pooled all its resources to take on and as well take down “facebook”. Namely Picasa web albums, Gtalk (which included video chatting feature with “free” group chat), YouTube, and “facebook's” "strategy of exclusivity". The venture was named Google+ for which the whole Google outlook was changed. Technically speaking Google plus was much better in terms of features it offered, speed, privacy, photo sharing, tagging, notifications and every other thing it offered. But their own strategy went against them. They launched it at a Beta testing level restricted to only some users. For the first 15 days it was the most talked of thing on facebook, from asking for invites to bragging about getting a Google plus account. People were jealous that their friends got in and they didn't. But this testing took a lot of time. By then those who got in got bored cause many of their friends were not yet there, and those who didn't get in forgot about it or got frustrated and dropped the idea of getting in.
Facebook tries to Defend!!
But seeing the product Google was offering shook everyone at “facebook”. It had to upgrade to protect its user-base and that too fast. So by the time Google+ was over its Beta testing period, “facebook” that till then believed in making everything by itself joined hands with Skype to launch video chatting on its site within 2 weeks after launch of Google+. This showed how badly “facebook” feared Google+. So even after opening to the whole world Google+ plus did not get its desired user-base. Which has completely shattered Google's dream of its Social Network. At least for now. Let’s see what it comes out with next or what “facebook” does wrong!!!

New “Facebook”
For now “facebook” has improved its chat to a great extent, got a stream of notifications over the chat box updating continuously, improved the photo-viewing and is coming up with something new every day.
So if Google wants to come back again it would need more than its resources (maybe collaboration with fb would do)!!